Three prestigious, invited presenters representing each of the three MS&T organizing societies will deliver lectures live throughout the week as part of MS&T20 Virtual. Learn more from these influential leaders in their fields at this three-part plenary session.
Please note that all times listed are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
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AIST Adolf Martens Memorial Steel Lecture
Date: Monday, November 2
Time: 11:00 a.m. to Noon EST
Presenter: Nina Fonstein, Scientific Advisor, ArcelorMittal, USA
Presentation Title: "Effects of Retained Austenite Stability and Microstructure Refinement on Properties of Advanced High Strength Sheet Steels"
About the Presentation
Evolution of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) to meet automotive challenges resulted not only in development of new types of steels including the so-called 3rd generation (medium Mn steels, carbide-free bainitic steels, Q&P steels), but also in significant changes of “traditional” steels as DP, TRIP and Complex Phase steels aiming to increase their combination of strength and ductility. Based on both literature and our own experimental data, this presentation considers various aspects of potential effects of retained austenite stability, which is different in different steels. Different parameters of retained austenite stability are compared. The key role of structure refinement in achievement of higher ductility is shown for different types of steels, and analysis of ways to obtain structure refinement is presented.
About the Presenter
Nina Fonstein is scientific advisor of the automotive product development group at ArcelorMittal Global R&D, where she supervises Ph.D. student employees. She led investigations, development, and commercialization of various grades of AHSS as manager for more than 10 years. Before joining ArcelorMittal, she worked at the I.P. Bardin Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy in Moscow, Russia, as senior research associate, and later as a head of the laboratory of formable steels, working on dual-phase steels and TRIP-steels. She holds a Dr. Science degree in physical metallurgy from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys and a Ph.D. in solid state physics from I.P. Bardin Central Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy. She is also professor at the Supreme Attestation Commission of Russian Federation. Fonstein authored the book, Dual-phase Low Alloyed Steels, as well as more than 100 publications, including her most recent book, Advanced High Strength Sheet Steels – Physical Metallurgy, Design, Processing and Properties.
TMS/ASM Joint Distinguished Lectureship in Materials and Society
Date: Thursday, November 5
Time: 11:00 a.m. to Noon EST
Presenter: Charles H. Ward, Chief Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies Division, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
Presentation Title: "Integrating Materials and Manufacturing"
About the Presentation
Innovations in digitally-centric technologies continue to progress at a breathtaking pace and are impacting all aspects of our daily and professional lives. Inherently empowered by these advances, Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) and the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) have helped transform the way in which we approach materials discovery and development, with a goal of delivering model-based definitions of materials and processes to be used in design, manufacture, and operation. Virtually concurrent with the launch of ICME and MGI, and equally fueled by advances in digital technologies, Digital Manufacturing, or Industry 4.0, seeks to securely flow rich component data through the manufacturing supply chain to digitally-native manufacturing equipment on the shop floor to accelerate production and enable novel designs while decreasing cost and enhancing product quality. This talk will focus on how the application of digital technologies in both materials and manufacturing are creating new opportunities to bring the two communities together.
About the Presenter
Charles H. Ward is Chief of the Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies Division, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory. He leads the Air Force’s annual investment in Manufacturing Technology, which seeks to increase producibility and reduce manufacturing cost and risk for technology insertion into Air Force systems. He also provides execution oversight of the Defense Production Act Title III program, which establishes, modernizes, and maintains critical industrial capabilities for the Department of Defense. He previously led the directorate’s efforts in Integrated Computational Materials Science and Engineering and was co-chair of the Materials Genome Initiative Subcommittee under the National Science and Technology Council. His professional career has spanned 34 years, serving in several roles in research, engineering, and management. He serves as an adjunct faculty member of Materials Engineering at the University of Dayton, as editor of TMS’s Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation journal, and as a Commissioner on the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc. His research has focused on the microstructure-property relationships in titanium and titanium aluminide alloys. Ward received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, is a Fellow of ASM International, and serves as the Financial Planning Officer on the TMS Board of Directors.
ACerS Edward Orton Jr. Memorial Lecture
Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m. to Noon EST
Presenter: Mrityunjay Singh, Chief Scientist, Ohio Aerospace Institute, USA
Presentation Title: "Additive Manufacturing: Disruptive Threat to Global Supply Chains and Enabler for Sustainable Development"
About the Presentation
The rapidly increasing global population and urgent need for improved living standards is leading to a dramatic increase in the consumption of resources and rate of pollution creating the risk of irreversible changes in the ecosystem. In response, the integration of new materials and innovative manufacturing technologies into product supply chains are needed to address human and societal needs and to promote sustainable development and economic competitiveness. Recently, there has been tremendous growth in the additive manufacturing (AM) landscape with the introduction of commercially available high-end machines suitable for industrial applications. In addition, availability of desktop 3-D printers as well as open source printers and platforms have facilitated the large-scale growth of distributed digital manufacturing. The paradigm shift in thinking, where one can turn their design into product on demand, is leading to new business models and challenging traditional models of product development and distribution.
In this presentation, an overview of different AM technologies will be provided along with technical challenges and opportunities. Various examples of materials (polymers, ceramics, metals, hybrids, and multi-material systems) and structures achieved from utilizing a wide variety of additive manufacturing approaches will be provided. Technical challenges and opportunities for the utilization of additive manufacturing as a powerful enabler for sustainable development and disruptive technological threat to global supply chains for different materials and systems will be presented.
About the Presenter
Mrityunjay Singh is chief scientist at Ohio Aerospace Institute. He received his Ph.D. in metallurgical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology-BHU, Varanasi, India. He is the current president of the World Academy of Ceramics and past president of the American Ceramic Society. He is a governor of Acta Materialia Inc.; Academician of World Academy of Ceramics; and Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, ASM International, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Indian Institute of Metals, and National Academy of Inventors. He is an honorary Fellow of the European Ceramic Society, Indian Institute of Ceramics, and honorary member of the Materials Research Society of India, Indian Ceramic Society, and Alpha Sigma Mu Distinguished Life Member. He received honorary doctorates from Nagaoka University of Technology and Slovak Academy of Sciences.
He received numerous national and international awards, including the following: R&D 100 awards, FLC Technology Transfer Award, EDI Innovation Award, NASA Public Service Medal, NASA Silver Snoopy Award, NorTech Innovation Awards, and many NASA Group Achievement Awards. He received Ishikawa International Carbon Prize; JFCA International Prize; Gottfried Wagner Memorial Award; Sir Richard Brooks International Award; ASM International-IIM Visiting Lectureship; Jacques-Lucas Award; and Engineers Council Distinguished Engineering Achievement Award and William B. Johnson Founders Award. He received many ACerS awards including President’s Award, W. David Kingery Award, John Jeppson Award, Richard M. Fulrath Award, Samuel Geijsbeek PACRIM International Award, James I. Mueller Award, Global Ambassador Award, and Toledo Glass and Ceramic Award. He has also received the Indian Institute of Technology-BHU Distinguished Alumnus Award, International Dresden Barkhausen Award, and AGH University of Science and Technology Keramos Award, as well as the JFCA 30th Anniversary Special Award and 2020 ASM International Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lectureship.
Singh is editor/co-editor of numerous books, proceedings, and journal volumes, and has authored/co-authored numerous book chapters and papers in various journals and proceedings. He has delivered numerous keynote and plenary presentations at international conferences, forums, and workshops, and serves on advisory boards and committees of many international journals and technical publications.