Broadening Participation in the Materials Science and Engineering Profession

Watch the Recorded Session 

A recorded version of the live town hall event, including the presentations and panel discussion, is now available to view.

View Town Hall Session

Live Event Details

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

MS&T is pleased to announce a virtual town hall meeting titled Broadening Participation in the Materials Science and Engineering Profession. The live, virtual town hall format with expert speakers and panelists will explore the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Materials Science and Engineering, while identifying strategies and opportunities to improve diversity and inclusion in our profession.

Why does diversity matter? How are we doing as a profession? How can I promote inclusivity? The Town Hall speakers and panelists will focus on these questions and other issues, while audience members are invited to submit questions, address concerns, discuss actions at their own institutions, and present suggestions they may have for their Society.

Keynote Addresses

Karl Reid

Karl Reid, Ed.D., Executive Director, National Society of Black Engineers
Presentation: "The Elements of Inclusion: Strategies for Increasing Diversity in Materials Science and Engineering"

About the Presenter

Olivia Greave

Olivia Graeve, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego
Presentation: "Address from the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers"

About the Presenter


Keith Bowman

Keith Bowman, Dean, College of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Maryland Baltimore County

About the Panelist

Ellen Cerreta

Ellen Cerreta, TMS Vice President and Division Leader, Materials Science and Technology, Los Alamos National Laboratory 

About the Panelist

Marc Brooks

Marc Brooks, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Nucor Corporation

About the Panelist


Elizabeth Dickey, Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, President-Elect of the American Ceramic Society

Submit Your Questions

If you have questions you would like to submit to the panelists, please fill out this brief form. You may also ask questions via the Q&A chat function during the Town Hall.