2020 Technical Program

Preliminary Technical Program Now Available

Download the Preliminary Technical Program for MS&T20 Virtual for a searchable PDF of the program or view the Session Sheets through ProgramMaster for real-time updates on individual sessions (including abstracts for individual presentations).

Navigating the Virtual Platform

View this nine-minute video to learn how to navigate the MS&T20 Virtual platform to view recorded presentations and participate in live events. 

Browse Program Plans

Approximately 85 technical symposia are planned in 13 technical tracks at MS&T20. For your convenience, the symposia have been divided into the following technical tracks. Click on a track to view a listing of related symposia. 

Topics include the following for MS&T20:

PLEASE NOTE: The conference proceedings publication for MS&T20 has been cancelled. Authors have been advised to consider publication through journals published by the organizing societies. For publication information about a specific presentation, please contact the author.
ADVISORY: A solicitation is circulating for presenters to participate in a symposium titled “Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites III.” This symposium is not approved for presentation at MS&T20 and no abstracts are being collected for it by event organizers. Any direction or requests to the contrary are incorrect.

MS&T20 Program Coordinating Committee

Chair and AIST Representative

Chirag Mahimkar, Big River Steel

ACerS Representative

Shen Dillon, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

TMS Representative 

Carl Cady, Los Alamos National Laboratory